Over the past two years, Air Hygiene University has developed several two-day "refresher" training courses and also several five-day "in-depth" training courses to help serve both its internal and external clients. Examples include:
2-Day Refresher on the Basics of RATAs and PM Testing for Environmental Managers
- As an environmental manager you may not be responsible for the stack testing that occurs at your facility, but you likely are responsible for its results. Whether it is the annual relative accuracy test audit (RATA) or the ever increasingly complicated iterations of filterable and condensable particulate matter (PM), knowing what to expect from your emission testing company is important. This class walks through the highlights of both processes and the keys to understanding and preserving their success.
5-Day Stack Test Observer Training
- As an observer of stack testing you might feel like you have all of the required regulatory knowledge, but lack the practical hands-on experience. Is reading about equipment in a book leaving you still lacking in an understanding of how it works? If the answer to either of the above it true for you, then this class will provide you with helpful insights into many of the practical aspects of field testing and the links between equipment, its use, and the regulatory language. You will have the opportunity to prepare, conduct, and clean isokinetic testing trains with hints along the way regarding the mistakes and missteps that can easily be made by anyone not well practiced in proper techniques or versed in regulatory language.
5-Day New Stack Tester RATA Training
- Does your organization struggle to train new employees in the art of conducting relative accuracy test audits (RATAs)? Many new employees are assigned the task of running the moisture console or pushing the 3D flow probe, but the results of these tests are critical in passing the RATA. Why leave it up to chance or trial by fire. Instead, let the professionals at Air Hygiene University train your employees in proper setup, operation, and cleanup for Reference Method (RM) 4 moisture testing and RM 2, 2F, 2G, and 2H flow measurement techniques. Our state of the art, one of a kind indoor stack and training balcony is the key to providing the repetition and instructor guided training critical to success every time your employees step into the field.
2-Day Refresher on the Basics of RATAs at Natural Gas Fired Plants
- Are successful relative accuracy test audits (RATAs) at your natural gas fired power plant critical to your environmental, operations, and budgetary success? Of course they are! Do you have the time or money to perform them more often than necessary? Of course you don’t! Take advantage of this training to find out the tips and keys to being as prepared as possible for your next RATA. The training also discusses RATAs from the perspective of the emissions testing company and helps you to help them have a better chance at successful testing year after year after year.
2-Day Refresher on the Basics of CEMS and RATAs
- Is your continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) prepared for its next relative accuracy test audit (RATA)? Are your operation and maintenance activities maximizing your potential for the best quality data on the day of the test? This course helps each specific student to build their own list of best management practices, as they apply to your particular facility. In addition, you will learn about RATAs from the stack testers perspective and have the opportunity to meld your practices with theirs to create the synergy necessary for a future of successful RATAs.
5-Day New Emission Tester Portable Analyzer Training
- Does your organization struggle with training new technicians on the proper care, maintenance, and use of portable analyzers? Air Hygiene University (AHU) can help. Are you plagued by the complexity of every changing and overlapping regulations, worried that the hundreds of tests you are conducting with your portable may be jeopardized by a lack of best practices? AHU understands. In an effort to solve these same problems at Air Hygiene, AHU has developed an in-depth training course for new and veteran portable analyzer operators alike. Explore new regulations as they pertain to both the State and Federal requirements of your sources. Get the hands-on repetition with new systems to learn proper calibration techniques, how to operate their specific systems, and also how to use their on-board software to your advantage for air-tight final reports each and every time.
Reliable and affordable emissions testing training is tough to find. Let the professionals at Air Hygiene University help by scheduling times to take one of our existing courses or catering a course to specifically fit the needs of your organization. We are just an email or phone call away. To find out more, please contact: