stack testing
stack testing companies
stack emission testing

Our Facilities

epa stack testing

AIR HYGIENE has a recently expanded corporate headquarters, emissions testing facility, and training center. A newly constructed 32,000 square foot facility was completed in 2011. It expands our testing services capabilities with a larger, upgraded laboratory space, and it houses a one-of-a-kind indoor stack in a climate controlled environment. This provides a full service training center, available to both employees and customers to further develop testing knowledge and skills. Lastly, our expanded facilities better meet our operational needs, expand our test lab production capabilities, and help build upon our reputation of having the very best stack testing lab in the world!

360 Degree Tour

For an in depth look and virtual tour of Air Hygiene’s facilities, please follow the links below; provided by New Spin 360.

AirHygiene On-Site Lab

AirHygiene Facility

AirHygiene Instrument Room

AirHygiene Internal Laboratory

Air Hygiene Stack Testing Trailer

AirHygiene Warehouse

Air Hygiene has stack testing trailers which serve all 50 of the United States and North America. Each mobile laboratory can be equipped with the following equipment and capabilities:

  • State-of-the-Art air emission analyzers, computers, and data-logging software. All designed into an efficient system to provide the fastest, most reliable information possible.
  • Dual racks for multiple sources testing, simultaneously, or multiple points on a single source (inlet/outlet SCR, etc.)
  • NIST traceable gases for the most accurate calibration.
  • PM10, NH3, mercury (Hg), sulfuric acid mist (H2SO4), SO3, and formaldehyde sampling equipment.
  • 5 FTIR analyzer racks that provide real time VOC and formaldehyde data.
  • VOC testing with on-board gas chromatograph to remove methane and ethane.
  • On-board printers and networking software to provide real-time stack emissions data directly into the control room.

Currently, Air Hygiene has staffed offices in Shreveport, LA; Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; We also provide mobile testing labs in Atlanta, GA; Las Vegas, NV; and Philadelphia, PA.  All, of which, are ready for 24 hour mobilization!